Lenina C.
I love that you can read the verses alone (first part of the book) or read the verses with spirit science commentary (2nd part of the book) and the commentary is excellent.
I have other copies of the tao te ching that have different authors, just having different perspectives and interpretations of the writings I think is good that's why I got this book
Ronald C.
I love the book. Great to have this translation along with commentary.
Serene R.
I think I thought it would be different i like it. Just different
Leusion H.
I'm glad there is an explanation and ellaboration of the profound verses, helps me deepen my knowledge of how to be and lead my life.
Melissa M.
Y'all were so helpful when the package got return
Jane W.
Shipping was quick..I love this book!
Micah B.
I love how clearly the interpretation of the text explains in more detail the Tao Te Ching. It’s such a good philosophy to deeper understand the spiritual force of the universe
Szilágyi Z.
I can recommend this book. It has a lot of wisdom. Our thoughts become our actions, so it's definitely worth it. The commentaries are enlightening. Some of the ideas may be abstract, but this just means that the idea behind can be applied to a broad range of concrete real words scenarios. I didn't finish reading it to the end yet, but my goal is to read it slow when I have time, and as a result, I hope I will act and speak with more wisdom.
Harold P.
The book never arrived. I tried to contact Spirit shop team but they take too long to answer and when they answered they didn’t really help, basically told me to ask FedEx for my book. Then I got in touch with FedEx and they told me they were unable to find the books location and asked me to contact Spirit Shop again. Then I contacted Spirit Shop again and never answered, so I contacted them again and never answered again. So I didn’t want to waste more time and just accepted my money was lost.
Jessica N.
I love the way this book combines the scriptures and modern perspectives
Steve C.
Great read! Will do business again!
Rebeca (Becky) D.
Beautifully written
Curtis C.
I have yet to read this book because I started a new job sailing and want to focus on my job. Although, I’d like to say that I’m grateful for Spiritverse for helping me with this purchase, as there was some confusion. Even though I don’t get to spend as much time on the site that I would like, it’s worth every dollar :) I’ve gotten so much out of it and I’ve barely skimmed the surface.
Sonaya M.
The book is well formatted, and the modern language breakdown is so valuable! Well done!
Shelly M.
My new favorite edition of the Tao Te Ching. It is as loved and cherished as my Patch Tarot and book.
It is so clear and simple. I listen to the audio on YouTube as well. But the hard copy, I am taking one verse per day.
Thank you. Blessings to all of you for your creations.
Dominik R.
Having been blessed by the Tao Te Ching changing - or maybe even saving - my life, I have spend quite some time with different interpretations of it. The Virtual Way is - and I know everybody loves praise, but I also know you love honesty more! - my second favourite out of all of them... and that *is* quite the praise, considering the amount I have read through! Wayne Dyer's Version is - to me - a bit more poetic and therefore more aesthetically pleasing and smoothly flowing. They are close in many verses though, and it is fun and enlightening reading the two side by side, which allows to go even deeper into the insight provided. Plus, the commentary is intelligent and compassionate, easy to follow, yet mind-blowing and opens up so many new pathways and different aspects of understanding, I haven't even considered before. A beautiful addition to an ever-growing tree of love and wisdom. I am sure, Lao Zi himself would have enjoyed and approved of it!
James M.
its like every book i read the first spiritual book i read was Convoluted universe book 2 energy rushed through my hands i read it i love spiritual books
Janice R.
I was searching for a Tao Te Ching translation for quite some time. Looking into several additions, there seemed to be mixed messages regarding the translations that varied widely book from book. I desired to find a Tao Te Ching translation that comprehensively captured the essence of the messages and were not swayed to one side or another.
Along came Spirit Science coming out with this wonderful translation a few months later, and I feel so grateful to have acquired a translation as my first complete run through the Tao Te Ching.
I know I will be re-reading this book for years to come. Thank you for all the work put into this translation!
Kathleen H.
Great to take along with me to work and read a passage and interpretation on my lunch/breaks. It’s provides a welcome way to get re-grounded with the Tao among life’s daily tasks.
John R.
I am one-third through the book after reading it for several weeks. No! I am not a slow reader. The content - original & interpretive for each verse is so impactful it takes me into a higher state of contemplation revealing insights that mere words cannot covey! I lose all sense of time.
Trevor S.
This is a great book, every day I take a new page and live each day by the verse